


Being a volunteer entails making a substantial impact and a dedicated commitment to the noble cause, contributing to a mission we consider our paramount achievement.

At Associação Patas Errantes, our primary focus is the rescue and rehabilitation of dogs who have fallen victim to abuse and abandonment.

We bear the responsibility of ensuring their recovery and striving to provide them with a fulfilling life, as they unquestionably deserve.

Our organization operates as a non-profit organization, reliant on acts of solidarity and charitable contributions, where volunteers assume a pivotal role, undertaking a diverse array of responsibilities.

To join the ranks of volunteers at Patas Errantes, one must possess a profound love for animals and pledge a wholehearted commitment to tirelessly work on their behalf, becoming an integral part of our extended family.



On-Site Assistance: facility maintenance, animal care, grooming, cleaning, walking, and offering affectionate attention to our residents

Veterinary Support: Assist with trips to the veterinarian

Shift Integration: Become part of our team by participating in scheduled work shifts

Participate in Events: activities such as food collection , campaigns, fundraising events, and solidarity initiatives, including bazaars, themed walks, and dinners.

Sponsorship: Embrace one of our dogs as your “godchild” by supporting their well-being

Advocacy: Promote our dogs that are available for adoption, whether through sharing their  profiles on social media or in your personal networks

Fundraiser Promotion: Champion our fundraising campaigns and ongoing projects, raising awareness and support

Have questions? Email us: info@errantes.org

Volunteer Form


1- Availability
2- Work in the shelter
3- Dogs transportation (events, vet, etc.)
4- Campaigns and charity events (in different places, dates and shifts)
5- Collection/capture of stray dog outside the shelter
6- Events outside the shelter (bazaars, fairs, walks, etc.)
7- Occasional events (e.g. fundraising actions, with or without a dog)
Please share your opinions on the ways in which you would like to engage in volunteering and actions you would like to see implemented in the Association to enhance our work with dogs and/or fundraising efforts.